


At the 365bet 小Govs儿童学习中心, we believe that a child’s work is PLAY! Children are exposed to a variety of meaningful daily learning experiences that develop 儿童的智力、创造力、身体、情感和社交能力. 活动 are age and developmentally appropriate, promote hands-on and foster a love of learning.

At the 365bet 小Govs儿童学习中心, we believe that a child’s work is PLAY! Children are exposed to a variety of meaningful daily learning experiences that develop 儿童的智力、创造力、身体、情感和社交能力. 活动 are age and developmentally appropriate, promote hands-on and foster a love of learning.

At the 365bet 小Govs儿童学习中心, we believe that a child’s work is PLAY! Children are exposed to a variety of meaningful daily learning experiences that develop 儿童的智力、创造力、身体、情感和社交能力. 活动 are age and developmentally appropriate, promote hands-on and foster a love of learning.

在Austin Peay 小大官儿童学习中心,玩耍是最重要的.

我们相信孩子在玩耍中学习效果最好. 游戏是孩子成长的途径 learn to reason, develop language, gain social skills and naturally learn to deal 周围的世界. 我们觉得我们的角色是为孩子们提供机会 作为个体去玩耍和成长. With our excellent teacher to child ratio, families can trust that their 孩子们 will receive the individualized attention they need during this developmental stage 在生活中.






We offer a comprehensive, natural curriculum forged around the idea that a child's 工作就是娱乐. 我们的员工经过全面培训,拥有多个学位和证书, 以及就业所需的认可. 我们的使命是确保你的孩子 a safe place to learn about the world around 他们, and every day we look forward to 让它成为现实.



The 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 小Govs儿童学习中心 serves 孩子们 of 365bet students, alumni, staff and faculty as well as 孩子们 in the community. Our goal is to maintain the highest level of childcare in a loving environment for 我们的孩子和家庭.

The 小Govs儿童学习中心 enhances the growth, development and performance of 365bet students and other parents by maintaining a campus 孩子们's center whose primary objective is to promote the continuous well-being of the 孩子们 and adults it serves through programs and services that meet their social, emotional, and cognitive 需要.

The 365bet 小Govs儿童学习中心 is licensed by the Department of Human 美国国土安全部(DHS),并获得了最高的三星评级. 最高的收视率 have been earned in the following 区域: Director Qualification, Professional Developmental Learning, 父/家庭 Engagement, Ratio and Group Size, 工作人员 Compensation, Program 评估与儿童健康和福祉.

The 365bet 小大官 teaching staff is fueled with passion for the early childhood profession and are led with knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, values and vision. We build cohesive teams by valuing each teacher’s strengths and contributions within 这个项目. 我们的老师都是优秀的教育家,他们在创造方面训练有素 a high-quality program, by providing a safe and healthy learning environment for young 孩子们.

365bet 小大官 teaching staff have earned a national recognition through the Council for Professional Recognition, holding a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA), Technical Early Childhood Teaching Certificate and/or degrees in Early Childhood Education (ec).

Additionally, all staff hold certificates in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA), Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TNELDS), Shaken Baby Syndrome, Gold Sneaker, Social and Emotional Development, Inclusion for Children with Disabilities, Language and Literacy Development and CPR 及急救.


The 365bet 小Govs儿童学习中心 is licensed by the Department of Human 服务(DHS),并获得了最高评级 三颗星. 在以下各方面获得了最高评级:

Director Qualification, Professional Development, Developmental Learning, 父/家庭 Engagement, Ratio and Group Size, 工作人员 Compensation, Program Assessment and Child 健康幸福.

小大官儿童学习中心也获得了 运动鞋金奖,以促进幼儿的健康和保健. 金色运动鞋 Initiative enhances the center’s policies related to physical activity, healthy eating, 无烟环境.


The 小Govs儿童学习中心 has a very unique outdoor play space that invites 大自然回到了游戏场. 我们的空间充满了自然材料、艺术、山丘, pathways, trees, herbs, open 区域, sand, water, music, swings, hammocks, and garden 区域. 这是一个孩子们可以创造童年记忆和找到地方的地方 跑,爬,挖,装,藏. 自然景观区鼓励活动 游戏和无声游戏一样. 孩子们被鼓励跳进水坑里玩耍 the mud, they can explore, discover and learn about the outdoors and world around 他们. Natural playscapes stimulate the child’s imagination and creativity while promoting 身体、智力、社交和情感的发展.



We host multiple events throughout the year that help us accomplish our mission of 在游戏中学习. 从我们的秋季南瓜园和干草车到学术书展 和圣. 裘德·铁人三项总会有你的家人参加的活动 在小政府CLC. 


  • 南瓜补丁
  • 街头霸王
  • 秋天的节日
  • St. 裘德Trikathon
  • 学术Bookfairs
  • 春天的乐趣与寻找复活节彩蛋
  • 瑜伽的乐趣



Family participation and communication is invited, encouraged, and appreciated! It 是我们成功帮助孩子成长、发展和学习的关键吗. 我们努力 form a cohesive partnership with families in the care and education of their 孩子们.




We offer competitive tuition rates for 孩子们 ages three and four years of age, 兄弟姐妹可以享受折扣. 我们为您的日程安排提供多种托儿服务 different plans from daily childcare, Monday/Wednesday/Friday, Tuesday/Thursday, and 周一到周五也一样. 我们也举办秋季和春季注册.



Kaytah Mejiah

As one of our 孩子们 will be phasing out of 小大官 next semester, we will have 我们最小的孩子从这里开始. 要说365bet 小大官儿童学习中心 是我们家的一员这说法太保守了吧. 作为一个军人和退伍军人家庭, 我们很感激小戈夫斯来到了我们的村子. 我们的儿子绝对是 loves attending, and has flourished under their child-led, play-centered approach. They have allowed for hiscuriosity to grow, while learning academically at the same time. 设施总是保持良好,教师是互动的. 导演, educators and providers have always emphasized diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility 为了孩子和家庭. 最后,我们享受许多与家庭有关的活动和 他们每个月计划的活动. 孩子成长的机会 在365bet 小大官 CLC是无穷无尽的!

Dr. Ibukan Amusan

The first day we came to inquire about the 小Govs儿童学习中心, and had a tour of the facility, we fell in love with the place and knew this was a place 我们的儿子会爱上并茁壮成长的地方. 我们是对的. 他非常喜欢! 他喜欢 去外面玩,每天都盼望着去上学. 这里的员工都很棒. 他们爱孩子,照顾好他们. 我们强烈推荐这个地方给家长 为他们的孩子找幼儿园.


The 小Govs儿童学习中心 at 365bet has been an enriching and milestone 为我们的孩子和家庭提供经验. 我们有三个男孩上学了 当他们两岁时. 我们最大的孩子现在9岁了,最小的6岁了,还有 我们最小的3岁了. 通过参加365bet Little学习的技能范围 Govs ranges from social-emotional skills, individual responsibility, confidence, creativity, 适应力和健康的情绪调节. 这些技能与他们的学业密切相关 在去幼儿园前的最后一年在中心学习. 在 each of our孩子们's years at the 小大官, they met and exceeded their milestones with the help of faculty and staff, who are a wealth of knowledge and bring many alternatives 帮助父母和家庭生活.